October 30, 2023

Reinvent yourself, rediscover yourself, revolutionize yourself.

In Bici Veritas was born in the pandemic, but had been in the works for some time.

On March 8, 2020, when Lombardy entered Lockdown, I was in Bra, in the province of Cuneo, surrounded by a world that I liked and like very much. That of quality catering, natural wine and artisan producers. I was in my final year of university, University of Gastronomic Sciences and in the meantime, to support myself and cultivate my passion for food and wine, I started working in some places. I worked long hours, I remember one August when I exceeded 250, life was hectic and beautiful, incredible.

With the closure of Lombardy and the rapid progress of events relating to the global situation, I understood that there would be difficulties for the restaurant sector, and fearing being stuck in Bra as an unemployed student, I returned home to Castelletto.

After a couple, maybe three, months, they let us reopen the family business. A sales point of over 1000 square meters specialized in the sale and repair of bicycles and cycling items at 360°: Cicli Varsalona, ​​owned by us for over 20 years.

With the reopening I decided to help my dad Stefano in the shop. It wasn't the first time, I grew up among bicycles, even if I never thought of returning to work on them: my direction seemed to have taken different paths.

But there was a lot of work, despite the pandemic the bikes were in great demand, and I have always liked working a lot, so I decided to stop and wait to understand what path the restaurant sector would take.

A few months later I was asked to take over ownership of the shop.

I don't know if it was a ploy by my parents to prevent me from "running away" to incredible restaurants and clubs again, but it worked.

The next step came by itself: accustomed to the Langhe, where there are more wine bars and cellars than houses, and the consideration for wine and quality artisanal production is higher than in the villages and small towns surrounding Lake Maggiore, I didn't know more where to go to drink local, authentic wines, able to speak with every sip of the territory from which they come, so I decided to expand our sales sector. After all, there was space, and we were no longer just bike enthusiasts and experts, I brought with me a wealth of experience and study with a degree in Gastronomic Sciences and a Sommelier diploma.

No longer just bikes, but also wine. Shortly thereafter: no longer just bikes and wine, but also products from small artisan businesses scattered across Italy.

The two-wheel side has not been put aside, on the contrary, we have expanded and specialized even further. We have introduced new brands and strengthened our service, which has always distinguished us from other points of sale.

There is still a long road to follow, sometimes harder, other times simpler, but we are proud of the choices made so far. We are writing the future day by day, and we assure you that it will be more surprising than ever.

Whether for bikes, wine or products, I'm waiting for you!

Manuel Edoardo Varsalona
